Return of the Earthers: Seers of Verde Book 2 Read online

  Return of the Earthers

  Seers of Verde Book 2

  M.L. Williams

  Return of the Earthers: Seers of Verde Book 2

  Copyright © 2015 M.L. Williams

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, organizations and events portrayed in this novel are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead is coincidental.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, may not be reproduced without the written consent of the author, except for the use of quotations in book reviews or literary publications.

  Cover design by Michele Maakestad

  Back cover photo by Robert Davis

  Published by All Writes Reserved Publishing, LLC

  ISBN-13: 978-1539525011


  To all my loved ones who have passed on but would have enjoyed seeing this book come to fruition: my parents and two brothers. Also for my gentle cousin who inspired the Tevan character.

  Table of CONTENTS

  1 Ransack 2

  2 Revenge 42

  3 Reunion 205

  4 Reckoning 344


  Many people have helped me get this story published. Thanks to Tony Brimeyer, Linda Fritts, Barbara Malmberg and Marty Novak for their expertise and invaluable assistance.

  Special thanks to all my family. It was their “gentle” nudging that got me back to working on the project, which became two novels — Seers of Verde: The Legend Fulfilled and its sequel, Return of the Earthers. Some of them served as inspiration for the characters: Stazia, Verinya, Amaura, Flyn, Gerro, Lyllen, Grig (Seers), Nyrthka (Seers), Xander (Seers), Athal, Maelys, Varie and, of course, Tevan (see Dedication page).

  Much appreciation to Dennis W. Green, Rob Cline and S.V. Brown for their kind words.

  Works of M.L. Williams

  Seers of Verde: The Legend Fulfilled, Book 1

  Return of the Earthers: Seers of Verde, Book 2

  The Fixer: Death of the Demon Machine anthology:


  Memoir anthology (2017, title TBA)

  The Fence (late 2017 or early 2018)

  Book 1 — Seers of Verde: The Legend Fulfilled story . . .

  The planet XR-309 looked like a shining emerald when it was discovered by Earth bioformers. Thick green moss covered the mountains and valleys. The simple plant life was proof the new world could sustain life and be perfect for colonization.

  A little more than a century after its discovery, a spaceship transporting 2,000 colonists set off to settle the planet, christened Verde Grande — Grand Green One — in old Earth Spanish. The ship’s arrival was greeted by tragedy after an attack by vicious Tanlian space marauders.

  The last landing party split off from the main group and flew over a treacherous mountain range in a desperate attempt to draw the marauders away from the defenseless people already on the ground. Colonists on both sides of the mountains were able to fight off the vicious Tanlians, but victory came with a heavy price — all their technology was lost, and the spaceship that delivered them was destroyed.

  A second Tanlian attack was repelled with the help of Taryl Bryann, a young seer. Believing their people were killed or captured, the planet’s colonization sponsor abandoned the world.

  In the ensuing years two very different cultures evolved on the planet. A powerful group of Seers, descendants of Taryl Bryann, use their mind-control abilities to watch over and protect their people in the great Verdan Valley from intermittent flyovers by the Tanlians. The peaceful existence of the Verdan people, however, is achieved at the expense of the “others,” the Nuvens across the mountain range.

  For two centuries the Seers have diverted the Tanlians’ attention to this hunter society which has thrived despite repelling repeated attacks by the marauders. The Seers also have kept the two cultures apart in a misguided effort to protect the Verdans.

  Much to the Seers’ dismay a group of young Nuvens, led by a mysterious young woman who is immune to their influence, manages to cross the previously impassable mountain.

  Efforts to stop the Nuvens from contacting the Verdan populace meet with tragic consequences when a confrontation turns deadly.

  Unable to stop the inevitable encroachment of thousands of Nuvens flowing into the Verdan Valley, the Seers sponsor a secret group of warriors — the Sankari — to kill and terrorize the interloping “pagans” in the hope of driving them back across the mountain.

  Faced with yet another threat to a peaceful existence, the Nuvens rise to the challenge and fend off attack after attack. Growing weary after a generation of fighting, Nuvens in the Verdan Valley seek help from their ancestral home — the Valley of the Heroes.

  Elite Nuven warriors — Defenders — are recruited to help fend off the Sankari. A stalemate soon develops between the Sankari and the Defenders.

  The Seers and the Sankari grow desperate after seeing the Nuvens spreading out and building their temples across the Verdan Valley.

  They escalate the hostilities by enflaming the Verdan population with false accusations of crimes by the Defenders. The temples are marched on by Verdan forces, but the Nuvens again hold strong and repel the attackers.

  In an effort to lull the Nuvens into relaxing their defenses, the Seers orchestrate a false truce. The Sankari leader has a plan to attack through the air, something that has not been accomplished before. Only ten young Nuven warriors stand in the way of his goal — to eliminate the Defenders once and for all.

  . . . And now Return of the Earthers

  Seers of Verde Book 2



  The village children squealed with delight at the wondrous sight of hundreds of gliders swooping out of the sky and landing in the nearby wheat field. Even the adults in the remote mountain village stared at what looked like a flock of huge black birds gently drifting into their midst. It was not unusual to see a lone glider or sometimes two or three but never hundreds.

  However, one old Nuven was upset by the arrival of the intruders. Ancia Fawzer shouted as she marched toward the Verdans who were trampling the village’s field. Amused and curious, all the inhabitants of the village fell in behind the determined little woman.

  “Stop, stop. Have you no respect?” she yelled at a Verdan who stood with his arms folded while flashing a satisfied smirk. “This is our wheat, we need this to get through the winter," Ancia snapped. “Oh my ancestors, half the field is down!”

  The Verdan shrugged as he surveyed the scene. “My apologies, but my men and I needed an open area to land.”

  Ancia was not to be placated. “We expect to be compensated for this damage Verdan,” she growled, pointing a crooked finger at the stranger. “Who are you and why are there so many of you?”

  “We are merely hunters,” the Verdan chuckled as he watched the Nuven villagers crowd around the angry old woman. “It looks like the entire village has come to greet us,” he replied, gesturing toward the curious onlookers.

  Ancia turned and glanced around at the crowd behind her. Indeed, all forty-seven of her fellow villagers were gathered around. “Humph, we don’t see many strangers here, and we like it that way,” she said. “Hunters you say? What are you hunting and why are there so many of you?”

  The stranger smiled at Ancia. Behind the old woman, he saw his men slowly close ranks around the unsuspecting Nuvens. He stepped forward. “Our prey is the most dangerous in the Verdan Valley, and we intend to exterminate it once and for all.”
  Ancia shook her head. “If you are after mountain cats, there are too many of you. They will be scared away.”

  The Verdan winked at the old woman. “No, we hunt something even more dangerous — Defenders.” Before she could react, he jabbed a knife into her chest and pulled it out quickly. Ancia gasped, took a step back then fell in a heap. The villagers had no time to react as dozens of javelins hurtled into their midst. The attack happened so fast, only a few people managed to scream in fear. Men, women and children quickly collapsed from the onslaught of the deadly missiles.

  One of the other fliers approached the first Verdan. “Any further orders General?”

  Manor Stillinger inspected the pile of bodies with a grim satisfaction. “Yes lieutenant, make sure all those vermin are dead then check the village for anyone that might be left. After that, block all access to this village. Cut down trees, create landslides, whatever is necessary. We don’t need any unwanted guests to give us away.”

  The General was temporarily distracted by a whimpering child, but its cry was abruptly cut off. The lieutenant stared wide-eyed at the dead Nuvens. “Do your duty son,” Manor said matter-of-factly. “Once we kill the Defenders, the other Nuvens will either leave or convert to worshipping Mother Verde. Then we will be done with this unseemly business.”


  For the most part, the Seers’ attempts to win over the Nuvens at Temple Darya, especially the Defenders, had failed. The women were watched too closely to become reliable spies. Verinya had not dared to reveal her love affair with Aron Nels to the others even though this was what High Seer Rufina had hoped would happen. The young Seer had not seduced the Defender. Instead, the two had fallen in love and swore each other to secrecy.

  Only Defender Egan Pozos suspected, but he had pledged his loyalty to his circle brother and Verinya.

  During first meal, Lanella told her companions their work was done at Temple Darya. The High Council was calling home all the Seers it had dispatched to the Nuven temples. Their “help” would no longer be required, Lanella explained. She had made transportation arrangements. They were to leave soon after the meal.

  Verinya tried to smile at the news, but her stomach twisted in knots. Lanella was surprised at Verinya’s tepid reaction to her news. “Are you feeling well? You look flushed.”

  Verinya fought to control her emotions. The thought of leaving without contacting Aron filled her with despair. “I am well Lanella. I am just tired, tired of this place,” she said softly.

  Lanella smiled. “I understand. I cannot wait to return to my quarters at the fortress and take a lovely, private bath.” The four other Seers agreed with exuberance. It was a common practice for Nuvens to bathe in large public pools of chilly water. Many Verdans were accustomed to the luxury of hot water in private receptacles.

  Verinya had no chance to slip away from the other Seers or even to scribble a note to Aron as they prepared for their trip home. With only an hour to get ready, the women scrambled to gather their possessions.

  A familiar shout stopped Verinya as the Seers were stepping into the carriage the Defender elders had loaned them. “Vera, where you go?” Tevan's face was contorted with worry as he ran toward her.

  The Seer hugged him and gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek. “I am going home with the other Seers,” she said slowly. “I will miss going to market with you my friend.”

  Tevan shook his head with disbelief. “I don’t like. Aron go. Vera go. Tevan sad, I want to see Mama and Papa.” Verinya blinked away the tears as she faced her friend. She did not know Aron had left the temple earlier. Now there would be no farewell between them.

  Tevan smiled, almost as if he understood her swirling emotions. “Don’t worry Vera, Aron say he come back and take me home. I will wait. Then we go home. I will ride a horse all way home.”

  She nodded. “Take care of Aron for me,” Verinya whispered in his ear. He laughed and slapped her on the shoulder in his usual good-natured gesture. Verinya positioned herself by a window so she could see Tevan waving to her as the carriage rolled away from the temple.

  “You had the right idea to use that simpleton to reach his cousin,” Lanella clucked as she leaned over to watch Tevan waving goodbye. “Too bad it didn’t work. Perhaps if you had more time.”

  Verinya fought to contain the grief that swelled within her. “Yes, it was a good idea,” she said as the carriage turned slightly on the road, blocking her view of Tevan.


  Natono Gallu trudged wearily along one of Temple Darya’s parapets. The Defender trainee could hardly keep his eyes open. He and most of the young Nuven men were exhausted after three days of celebrating the retreat of the Verdan army. It was still dark, but the first rays of dawn were threatening to peek over the mountains.

  The young man stopped to look up at Luz Primo but stared, puzzling at the curious sight. The full moon blinked on and off as if passing clouds occasionally hid it from view. However, the night sky had been clear. The stars and both of Verde’s moons shone brightly. He strained to see the source of strange whooshing noises overhead, when a whistle made him whirl around.

  Natono did not have time to react when a Verdan glider swooped down, knocking him from his perch. The only sound was a thud when his body hit the ground, killing him instantly. Verdan fliers successfully repeated their attacks on all the temple watchers.

  No alarm was sounded as several hundred Verdan warriors silently drifted over the walls and landed inside. Once on the ground, Sankari veterans crept up and overwhelmed the guards at the gate. The giant doors which had stood so steadfast under the catapult attack were now easily swung open to allow more of the enemy into the temple. Sankari and their fellow Verdan warriors scurried through the hallways looking for Defender barracks.

  The first alarm finally rang out when a door to a room filled with a sleeping Defender circle was kicked in. Half of the Nuvens in the room were slaughtered before they could protect themselves, but one of them managed to reach the bell in the window. The bell had only chimed three times before its ringer was cut down by the invading Sankari. However, the alarm had done its job.

  Almost instantaneously, Defenders throughout the temple swarmed out of their rooms like angry bees protecting a hive. Many of the Nuvens charged headlong into overwhelming numbers of Verdans who were waiting for them. Now bells rang throughout the temple to warn the Defenders, but the invading Verdans were everywhere. Knowing their surprise attack had at last been discovered, the attackers grabbed torches and set fire to anything that would burn.

  The battle was fought throughout the temple: in the halls, dining areas and finally out into the outside square. More Verdans, who had been waiting for a signal from the fliers, now poured through the open gates to reinforce the invaders.

  Nuven archers raced to the parapets, but were unable to shoot with any accuracy. Defender and Verdan combatants were everywhere. It was impossible to shoot at an identifiable target in the half light of early dawn. The Nuven archers were forced from their perches after becoming targets of enemy bowmen.

  One veteran Defender circle made a heroic effort to reach the temple’s gates. With a frantic determination and disregard for their safety, the circle savagely cut through the mass of Verdans who blocked their way. But the Nuven warriors eventually succumbed to the crushing surge of their attackers. The last Defender from this circle was less than 10 meters from the gate when he collapsed from more than a dozen wounds inflicted by Verdan javelins and knives.


  Egan Pozos took a quick break from cutting through the thick brush of downed trees as Circle Sankarikiller tried to reach a Nuven village that had been out of contact for days. He scrambled up a boulder to try to peer over the trees that blocked their way.

  Unable to see anything, Egan looked down the mountain toward Temple Darya. Even from this distance, something looked wrong. A massive smoke cloud arose from the direction of the temple, which was almost a day’s ride away. br />
  The Defender yelled for Witt Peyser to take a look. The Steward grumbled as he clumsily pulled himself up the rock beside Egan. It only took one sickening glance for Witt to interpret the tragic scene. He swore loudly as he bounded down. “The temple is on fire! It looks like it’s under attack.”

  As one, Circle Sankarikiller and Witt raced down the mountain to where they had left their horses tied. It seemed like it took them forever to make the descent. However, they covered the distance in less than half the time it had taken to climb it. At full sprint, the Defenders leaped on their horses and galloped at top speed toward Temple Darya.


  Curious about what all the noise was about, one of the youngsters in the Defender trainee barracks peeked out the door, stared momentarily in disbelief then slammed it shut. “Verdans are in the temple, they’re down the hall!” he screamed as he grabbed a crossbeam to secure the door. The boy had barely called out the warning when the door shuddered from a crash on the other side.

  Farren Hamish instinctively yelled orders, “Grab your bows and form two lines. Wait to shoot until they’ve broken in, first line then second line.” One young man ran over to him, his eyes wide with fright. “Tevan, stay behind me,” Farren ordered. Before the trainee could say more, the door exploded into pieces followed by a swarming group of Verdans. “Fire!” Farren yelled. The initial Verdan charge halted as the trainees’ arrows dropped them in their tracks. The attack continued as the second covey of arrows flew into their midst dropping many of the invaders.